About the Course

Schedule & Readings

Culture Repair Projects

> Researching a Scenario Activity

> Preparing the Facilitation Plan

The Fine Print


PW = Planning Worksheet

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Culture Repair Projects

The Culture Repair Project asks you to analyze one of the assigned historical records of Asian practice, paying attention the interaction of the three elements of culture. You then draw on what you learned to write and/or draw a set of instructions that could be used to facilitate the similar activity described in the relevant scenario. You have three opportunities to complete a project, one for each unit; the two highest scores count towards your grade.

Step V: Report Formatting Requirements for Facilitation Plan

Note also late policy & style recommendations.

As noted in the syllabus, I will generally elect severe penalties for academic dishonesty (which in journal reflections usually involves inclusion of material from uncited sources): a zero score for the assignment, and failing the course for a second offense. You are responsible for reading my comments regarding the importance of academic honesty, and my no-tolerance policy for incidents of dishonesty, in FAQ, #10-13; as well as for requesting clarification if there is anything you do not understand.

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